Results tagged “sindup”

June 15, 2021

New Papers, 15 June 2021

Isentia, Lucidya, Signal AI, Sindup

April 2, 2021

Software Updates, 2 April 2021

Media Info Groep, Rival IQ, SentiOne, Sindup, Socialbakers, SocialBu, Webhose

April 1, 2020

Free SMA Reports and Tools for COVID-19

Someday, this will all be history, and our grandkids will learn about it in school. For now, the world is swimming in uncertainty, and seemingly everyone who works with data is trying to find something to contribute. In this post,...

February 6, 2020

Software Updates, 7 February 2020

MavSocialJanuary update: Redesigned UI, revised post workflow, LinkedIn features, Twitter Ads management (beta), Google Drive integration, expanded reports, updated mobile app. SindupNew mobile app. SotrenderNew sentiment analysis....

July 18, 2019

Software Updates, 19 July 2019

bc.lab New mobile app. InfluencerDB Campaign management, category filters, redesigned Insights page, estimated reach metric, Sindup Science coverage with MyScienceWork. Unmetric Outlier detection. V-tracker Google My Business integration, filters, live updating metrics. Filter images by geolocation metadata. YouScan Aina: new AI virtual assistant. Also, Visual Insights...

June 6, 2019

Software Updates, 7 June 2019

Brandwatch UI. Nuvi New sentiment engine. ReviewPro Google reviews integration. Also, Direct Response API for reviews. Salesforce Twitter persona insights, Facebook @mentions. Sindup Broadcast TV / radio coverage. SocialFlow Mobile app: Instagram publishing. Unmetric Competitive intelligence for Hootsuite. V-tracker Dark mode, analyst permissions. Image recognition....

September 13, 2018

Software Updates, 14 September 2018

Affinio Cluster comparisons, exclusion filters, improved automatic cluster naming, redesigned cluster summary cards. ListenFirst Competitive Twitter video analytics. MavSocial New Social Listening module, WeChat direct messages. NetBase Instagram business channels, YouTube analytics, Reddit firehose coverage. Sindup Mobile app (iOS, Android). SOCi New mobile app. Synup Location tagging,...

February 5, 2015

Software Updates, 6 February 2015

Recently announced software updates: Brandwatch Automated reports. Pulsar Instagram coverage. Also, new Content tab. Sindup New UI. Tracx Tracx 5.2: reply to Facebook comments, Instagram engagement, follow-up notifications, collecting YouTube dislikes and unpublished Facebook posts....

March 13, 2012

New Papers, 13 March 2012

Recently released research and white papers: Informe NaturalOpinions de sentimiento de mercado para el sector telcos en Redes Sociales (PDF), Bitext A Five-Step Plan for Running Customer-to-Business (C2B), NetBase 2011 Social Media in Industry Survey, Semplice Research Questions d’entreprise sur...

March 29, 2011

New Papers, 29 March 2011

Recently released research and white papers: Tendances Veille 2011, PowerOn and Sindup (via Laurent Magloire) Luxury Brands in Social Media (PDF), Synthesio Who Says What to Whom on Twitter (PDF), Yahoo Research (via Tom Foremski)...



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