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Loved It, Hated It, Tweeted It

Have you watched a movie in the last 15 minutes? Have you reviewed it yet? On Twitter? For an increasing number of Twitter users, the answer to that question (which question?) is yes, and a free site now summarizes their instant movie reviews for us.

At last night's Triangle Tweetup, Chad Etzel (@jazzychad) showed his new project, Twitter Movie Reviews. The utterly descriptive name—how non-2.0!—tells it all. TMR pulls tweets mentioning current movies from the public timeline and graphs the balance of sentiment.

The main page summarizes all of the reviews in the system. A more detailed view for each movie lists all of the tweets, grouped into good, bad and indifferent categories. RSS feeds abound, making it easy to monitor the rated tweets for any given movie.

Human analysis, increasing automation
The primary method of categorizing the reviews is human analysis. Volunteer moderators read the individual tweets and rate them as good, bad or indifferent (Chad's looking for more volunteers, if you want to help). From the demo, the process appeared quick and easy. Considering the subject matter, finding volunteers shouldn't be too hard, at least as long as the site is free.

An automated prescreening system eliminates non-review mentions of movies (going to see, waiting in line, want to see), and some keywords trigger automated ratings. More automation is planned.

My first reaction to this is that I'll probably use it to look up movies I'm considering. There's an apparent positive bias in review tweets, but a quick glance at the full text can provide useful hints as to why people like a movie (or don't). Naturally, if you have a business interest in movies, this is another site to monitor. If you have an entertainment site, you might want to talk with Chad before someone else does.

Opinions are everywhere; tools are democratizing
It's interesting that this isn't a product or feature from a company in a social media or data mining business. It's a project from a software developer who likes making things. So, besides a new place to look up movies, here's what I got from the demo:

  1. Opinions are everywhere. Anywhere that people can express themselves online, they will eventually start talking about things they buy. It doesn't matter if you want to care about Twitter (for example); if your customers are using it, you need to pay attention. Monitoring social media is a task that will grow as long as new social applications are being created.

  2. For someone with programming skills, barriers to entry for creating new sites are nonexistent. Human coding of the reviews eliminates the hard part of building an analytical site and gets the ball rolling (but will be hard to sustain if the service becomes commercial). The initial version proves the concept and supports further development.

  3. Free tools for analyzing content and trends mean that the forest is no longer hidden in the trees. If the public has access to sentiment metrics and begins to consider them in their purchase decisions, is it possible for companies not to care?

  4. New sites that provide open APIs will eventually be mined for useful information, which will be available to the public. If your product is interesting to software developers, it will happen sooner.

  5. Has anyone considered a consumer-oriented social media analysis site? One that explains itself to a non-technical, non-business audience?
Something tells me this will be one of those posts with no comments. That last point is either stupid, obvious or something you're going to think about this weekend. Let me know which—offline, if necessary.

Update: The site now has a name and domain: FlixPulse.

News from the companies of social media analysis.

Companies and services

  • 28 May - Visible Technologies launched TruCast 2.0, along with a sample of their corporate client list.

  • 29 May - Dow Jones & Company introduced alert widgets, incorporating news items from Dow Jones Factiva into internal or external websites.
  • Brian Cavoli joined Digital Influence Group as VP Agency Marketing. Cavoli was previously Director of Marketing at Cymfony.
New research and papers
Current posts on the job board


links for 2008-05-29

I just watched Clay Shirky's presentation from Web 2.0. Jake calls it the most significant thing you’ll read/watch this year, and I'm inclined to agree. If you do just one thing with this post, watch the video. Afterward, I'll toss Clay's thoughts up in the air with the attention crash to see what happens.

Crash, or gear shift?
It's interesting to consider Clay's view in light of the attention crash/attention economy conversations that pop up so much these days. Information overload is easy to find (the chocolate factory), but when you consider how much time goes into television consumption, is it really fair to say that we're running low on attention?

Desperate Housewives essentially functioned as a kind of cognitive heat sink, dissipating thinking that might otherwise have built up and caused society to overheat.

And it's only now, as we're waking up from that collective bender, that we're starting to see the cognitive surplus as an asset rather than as a crisis. We're seeing things being designed to take advantage of that surplus, to deploy it in ways more engaging than just having a TV in everybody's basement.

Dad always used to say that watching television would "rot your brain." Clay's suggesting that, on a societal level, it was really keeping our brains out of trouble. If we collectively were to get serious about getting our brains out of the TV and into gear, I wonder what we would accomplish?

Attention and media companies
Economics is about allocating scarce resources, and of course we're all individually limited in the amount of attention we have. The challenge is for the businesses that are built on the cognitive heat sink. As the attention economy reallocates resources in the media market from consumption to production and sharing, is your company selling buggy whips or transportation?

links for 2008-05-23

News from the companies of social media analysis.

Companies and services

  • 10 May - Biz360 raised $10 million in additional financing. Foundation Capital led the round, which included current investors Granite Ventures and Scale Venture Partners. via paidContent
New research and papers
  • 5 May - Cogent Research released survey results describing the role of social media in individual investors' decision-making process. PDF, via David Wilson
  • 16–17 June (Boston) - 4th annual Text Analytics Summit. Social media analysis is prominent in the agenda, which also covers other applications of data mining and text analytics in business.
Current posts on the job board

links for 2008-05-22

links for 2008-05-19

links for 2008-05-17

This is not tweetworthy

This is not tweetworthyThis is my new unconference shirt. During my session at BlogCarolinas, a participant who wasn't getting much out of the session tweeted that it was not tweetworthy. Actually, he said more than that, but that's not my point. The point is: next time, I'll have this shirt, and it's going to make a difference.

(For those unfamiliar with Twitter jargon, tweetworthy simply means worth mentioning on Twitter. Much of BlogCarolinas was tweeted—written about on Twitter.)

How the shirt works
If my session isn't tweetworthy, the shirt will provide fair warning. If it is tweetworthy, it may be because the shirt reminded me to stay in touch with the people in the room to make sure what I'm saying is relevant to them. I'm counting on the latter outcome.

No need to look it up. Here's the tweet that inspired the shirt:

Session on metrics @blogcarolinas boring me. Not tweetworthy. Bureaucratic theoretic marketing goblydegook. Irrelevant to practical actions.
Kevin and I have since had a friendly exchange of email and tweets. I wasn't offended, anyway. Feedback is good, even when the message is that I missed part of my audience. We're planning a follow-up discussion at BarCampRDU this summer. For BarCamp, though, I think I'll skip the bureaucratic, theoretical marketing gobbledygook and do a geeky session on cool RSS tricks, instead. That should fit right in with the BarCamp vibe.

I'm just hoping it will be tweetworthy this time. :-)

Disclosure: I used this episode to explore the retail side of CaféPress. If you buy the shirt, I'll get a small markup.

Update: Proof it's friendly now.

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About Nathan Gilliatt

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  • Voracious learner and explorer. Analyst tracking technologies and markets in intelligence, analytics and social media. Advisor to buyers, sellers and investors. Writing my next book.
  • Principal, Social Target
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