The business of monitoring, measuring and understanding social media
November 29, 2012
Recently announced software updates: Brand EmbassyPost influence metric, automated tagging, workflow alerts and shift management. BuzzNumbersResults volume estimator tool, UI. eCairnSearch prebuilt tribes, switchable common word filter for topic cloud. Hottolink2channel alerts. LexalyticsSalience 5.1: Complex stems. Simplify360YouTube tracking. Simply MeasuredNew...
October 19, 2012
Salesforce announced the addition of 13 partners to Salesforce Marketing Cloud Social Insights (formerly Radian6 Insights): Bitext, Caterva, EpiAnalytics, Kanjoya Crane, Kred, LeadSift, Lexalytics, LinguaSys, Metavana, RapLeaf, Soshio, The SelfService Company, and TrendSpottr. SMA: Bitext, EpiAnalytics, Kanjoya, PeopleBrowsr (Kred), LeadSift,...
September 21, 2010
Lexalytics announced new capabilities in its Salience engine to interpret emoticons, abbreviations, and slang. The update includes contextually appropriate interpretations of the @ and # symbols in Twitter. press release...
July 1, 2010
Recently announced software updates: BuzzNumbersBuzzNumbers 8: real-time data updates, new UI, geolocation within Australia, topics, sentiment, report generator, additional sources. GnipFacebook Graph API feeds leave beta. justSignalSignalMonitor: data export options. LexalyticsSalience 4.3: opinion mining, query-based entities, tagging, additional sources. NetBaseConsumerBase:...
March 29, 2010
Lexalytics announced Lexascope, a web services version of their text analytics product. The API offers sentiment analysis, entity extraction, and thematic analysis for companies to use with their own tools; Lexalytics also provides two open-source reference clients to serve as...
August 13, 2009
The future is machine speed combined with human knowledge and experience.
June 18, 2009
Recently announced software updates: LexalyticsAcquisition 6.4 SP1, Salience 4.1 SP1. Per-session user folders, new entity extraction model, more. Spinn3r Spinn3r 3.1: Twitter Firehose support, social media rank....
April 9, 2009
Recently announced software updates: eCairnSearch on symbols, post export, usability improvements. LexalyticsSalience 4.1: Entity Management Toolkit, separation of user customizations from default data files for easier management, and performance improvements. Scout LabsHistorical data, cobranded workspaces....
February 27, 2009
Recently announced software updates: LexalyticsEntity toolkit. Visible TechnologiesTruCast 2.5: Summary views, redesigned UI, dashboard performance, full-text search, improved data cleaning....
February 20, 2009
Recently announced software updates: BuzzGainSetup, boolean search, dashboard metrics, RSS output, data export. LexalyticsSentiment concepts, model-based sentiment. MoreoverLanguage detection, language tagging, Harvest Date field....
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